Friday, December 9, 2022

Documentary Project: Production and Post-Production

     After the whirlwind that was planning this project, we finally got to the fun part. Producing and editing (aka my descent into madness).

Production started off okay. Despite not being able to film where we first wanted to with subject #1 and #2, we figured out locations that were passable as well and got to filming. One thing I will say is that all our interviews went super smoothly. It was probably a combination of good questions, planning, adaptation, and just our interviewees being overall amazing. They were all so sweet and open, it was great.

This is us setting up for one of our interviews:

We made it a point to get b-roll right after interviewing the subjects so it could stay as coherent as possible, for future reference we could’ve gotten more and maybe longer shots. I would say b-roll was a main portion of our project that lacked proper planning. 

All the filming was done and we had 4 whole days set to edit, and we would do just that, nonstop. It was a grind, but I enjoy seeing everything come together during the editing stage (as my mind falls apart a little). 

Everything was going good, pieces were fitting together. I specifically remember being so happy once I had cut down all the interviews, just the subjects talking, to an appropriate length that fit the time frame. It all just worked so perfectly and everything they were saying was great and I saw beyond, I saw the vision of how it could all work together. That was the peak of this project for me. 

Speaking of the peak, let me tell you about the lowest point. Ironically enough, the peak and lowest points of this project both happened while editing. We were finishing up the editing, it looked like a monster on adobe, but it was our little monster and I loved it. I clicked a button, THINKING it was to exit out of the timeline, but no, it deleted the. entire. timeline. I’m not joking when I say that I was close to ending it all at that moment. But after a much needed mental breakdown, I searched up a tutorial and was able to save all of it thanks to Adobe's auto-save feature. 

This is how it looked in the end (after having to salvage it):

It lost its sparkle after the incident.... Still, I thank the Adobe gods everyday. 

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