Print Component:
Solorzano Vielma
Sunday, April 2, 2023
Interview ft. Me
Last part of my print component is the interview section with the directo, i.e me jeje. I'm doing three questions and answers, this wouldn't have been the whole interview realistically, but they were the most important and interesting part included.
Q1: What inspired you to film a docuseries on the Cypress Bay DECA Top 7?
A: Well, I was an executive officer myself, and I witnessed first-hand all the effort that the team, especially the top officers put into making sure the chapter succeeded. I thought that work deserved more recognition, so that's how the idea was born.
Q2: Guide us through your creative process.
A: When it comes to filming documentaries, I believe in letting passion take the wheel, always. Allowing the subjects stories guide the plot and really engaging with them. I hate stiff and forced interviews, so I try to make them more conversational, coming up with questions on the spot based on the interviewees answers and letting them guide the conversational floor and open up.
Q3: Who was your favorite subject, or subjects, to work with.
A: I can't possibly pick just one, they were all lovely to work with and incredible people. I would say that my favorite episode to film was Valen's (Valentina Lorenzo) because she's super funny and real, I couldn't stop laughing during the interview.
Now my print component is done! It's likely that I may change some things here and there since I can never truly be satisfied, but here it is:
Saturday, April 1, 2023
CR - Critical Reflection
So I thought it'd be a good idea to kinda do an outline of the points I wish to hit in my essay/ how I plan to answer the questions.
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
Magazine Write-Up
This is the writing I will have in my magazine spread:
DECA is an international organization that teaches business, finance, marketing and hospitality to high school and college students around the globe. These students can compete at the national and international level during annual conferences (CDC and ICDC). Cypress Bay High School in particular boasts the largest DECA chapter in the entire world, with over 1,000 members.
Within the Cypress Bay DECA chapter there exists an executive council, or ExCo for short. This is the student-lead team in charge of planning the clubs events, fundraisers, workshops, etc. The team consists of various executive officers and 7 supervisors, aka Top 7. There are 2 co-presidents, 4 Vice Presidents, including vp of finance, competition, communication, and DLC (DECA Leadership Council), plus a Manager of Chapter Assets.
This docu series seeks to shed light on these often overlooked and underappreciated student who work extremely hard to make their DECA chapter the best it can be. They pour their heart and Somali into a job that gives very little in return, without pay and little gratitude.
One big concern of Top 7 is the future of the chapter, always. Since most of them are seniors who will need to leave the chapter in someone else hands, most of them take on an assistant that they wish to train to take over their position. The image above shows Dani Mandelbaum the vp of finance (left) working alongside her assistant Manuela (right), who will be taking over the position next year.
That process of taking underclassmen under their wings and teaching them is one of the core practice of DECA. It not only happens within the officer team, but within competition as well. It is a collective experience of people who really truly care about this chapter and wish to continue the legacy and see the chapter flourish even after they graduate. This docuseries wishes to pay it forward as well by showing this side of DECA.
Tuesday, March 28, 2023
Print Component Final Design
This is the final design/layout for my print component, the 2 page magazine spread. Now I just have to do the actual writing that will be on it and it'll be done.
Here are some cool/important features that I included:
- Page numbers 19 and 20
- A header saying "Up-and-Coming in Film," which is meant to be like a recurring column in the magazine that shows new film projects that are quickly gaining popularity
- A Q&A section with the director of the docu series (me) to break up the rest of the blocks of text
- Various pictures of Top 7 in action and the Cypress Bay DECA chapter in general
- The font I used for the titles is pretty boring by itself (I chose it because it is the official DECA font - Gotham) so I made different words blue as an accent color that sticks out but matches the rest of the spread
- Very clearly blue themed which is the main color that represents DECA as an organization
Friday, March 24, 2023
Top 7 Website
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
The Sound
Print Component: Video Component: Digital Component: ...

So.... It may not be necessary, but it is to me, I wanna make a website for my documentary. To justify it, I feel like many other produc...
I think it's about time to start my print component... I'm doing a 2 page magazine spread. As I mentioned before, a big focus ...
OK, so I know that I want part of my 5 minute extract to include what the intro to my docuseries would be. It's called (for now) No...